• Ten Videos
    Curriculum 4K-Adult
    4K to grade 2
    Dating Methods
  • Classroom
    Ape to Man?
    Origin of Life
    Noah's Flood
    Fossils and Rocks
  • Natural Selection
    Creation Apologetics
    Old Earth Creationism
    Bill Nye Video
Help for Congregations
FREE LSI Journals
mailed to your congregation (Free 3-copy subscription, or $30.00 off an 8-copy or greater subscription).
Half price
on color print sets of LSI Journals (all issues since 2016; well below the cost to LSI).
your congregation’s creation apologetic needs and concerns with LSI leaders, and have your congregation vote in LSI elections.
occasional emails with creation apologetic ideas for your congregation.
This help is available to congregations who become voting members of LSI.
[Congregations must be in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS), the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS), or other confessional Lutheran churches in fellowship with them.]
Congregational Membership in LSI
Your congregation can support confessional Lutheran creation apologetics by becoming a voting member of LSI. 
Apply by emailing office@LutheranScience.org

Member congregations are asked to:

1.  Appoint a congregational advocate through which LSI can communicate.  The advocate should be someone who has passion for creation apologetics and a willingness to promote apologetics in the congregation.  The advocate could be a layperson, pastor, or teacher. 

2.  Make use of the LSI Journal.  Three print copies will be mailed each issue at no charge, or you can order larger quantities at $30 off the normal cost.  You may wish to use these Journals for teen/adult/staff study, place them in your tract rack or library, or distribute them to interested members.  Electronic pdf copies are always free.  You may print your own copies from the pdf.
3.  Occasionally mention LSI resources to your congregation.  Let them know about the LSI Lesson Book, a new article in the LSI Journal, the on-line Q&A, an on-line video, the topics covered on the LSI website, etc.

4.  Consider ways your congregation might financially support LSI, such as taking a one-time or annual door offering, adding LSI to your mission budget, or having your school designate LSI as a mission project for their semester offerings.  Your gifts enable growth of LSI creation apologetic programs.  LSI receives no financial support from the WELS.    


Congregational advocates are asked to:

1.  Have an email account for communicating with LSI, as email will be our primary form of communication.  Also provide a phone number and mailing address. 

2.  Read the LSI Journal each quarter.  If you find an article you like, please recommend it to others. 
3.  Serve as a champion for creation apologetics in your congregation.  

4.  Provide occasional feedback to LSI on how things are going.  Share your congregation’s creation apologetic needs, concerns, and ideas with LSI.
5.  Transmit your congregation’s vote to LSI in annual LSI elections.  Each congregation has one vote. 
6.  Advocates who are not already LSI voting members or associate members will receive associate membership in LSI.

Lutheran Science Institute, inc.
LSI Constitution: www.LutheranScience.org/Constitution 
LSI Leadership:   www.LutheranScience.org/Leadership 
This We Believe:       www.LutheranScience.org/Believe 
Lutheran Science Institute (LSI) is in the list of “affiliated ministries” in the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod yearbook (page 330 in the 2024 WELS yearbook).