• Ten Videos
    Curriculum 4K-Adult
    4K to grade 2
    Dating Methods
  • Classroom
    Ape to Man?
    Origin of Life
    Noah's Flood
    Fossils and Rocks
  • Natural Selection
    Creation Apologetics
    Old Earth Creationism
    Bill Nye Video
for Classroom
Science Teacher teaching multi-racial students
4K to grade 12, confirmation, adult class

What Should I Teach About Dinosaurs?
pages 1-27 in the fall 2022 LSI Journal.

Includes classroom activities and curriculum summary by grade level (preschool - adult)

Classroom Activity--Measuring the Ark

A great learning activity for all ages (4K–grade 12, even adults), is to go outside and mark off the actual size of Noah’s Ark.  This article provides some ideas on how this might be done.

Let Students See What Skeptics See
by Philip Janke

We can let them see some challenges while still under our care, allow them to wrestle with them a bit, and help them find the confidence to face those challenges–confidence God gives through his Word.

The Purpose of Babel
by Jonathan Ross

Today in our Bible history lesson, we’ll explore an early civilization whose plans to build a great structure fell apart. More importantly, however, we’ll see the reason they stopped this massive building project, and how it applies to our relationship with God today.

Teaching Discernment using evolution videos
by Mark Bergemann
Showing evolution videos to our students, and then teaching a Lutheran response, can be of great value. Students can gain skills to evaluate evolutionary claims and separate the true parts of evolution from the false parts. These are valuable skills that can be used throughout their lives.

Logical Fallacies -What Are They?
Straw-man Fallacy 

More Logical Fallacies 
No True Scotsman
Ad Hominem
Begging the Question

History Timeline
by Daniel Olson

I plan to have my students create a large world history timeline filling an entire long hallway. We will initially focus on world history as recorded in Scripture from creation through 100 AD. Before students add any people or events, the lives of five people will be highlighted on the timeline: Abraham, Moses, David, Ezra, and Jesus. Students will then add other people and events.

second edition
by Mark Bergemann

This lesson book condenses 263 pages of articles into seven lessons.  It is in use at dozens of WELS and ELS congregations for adult Bible study, in schools for faculty studies, and as a student text in high schools and colleges.


Evolutionists and Creationists Often Agree
There are many points of agreement on natural selection
Mark Bergemann, 2019

16 pages
"Let’s examine how one of the most famous champions of evolution, Richard Dawkins, describes natural selection’s ability to produce new Biblical kinds.  After writing nine books on evolution, Dawkins realized that in those books 'The evidence for evolution was nowhere explicitly set out.'   In The Greatest Show on Earth—The Evidence for Evolution, Dawkins states, 'This book is my personal summary of the evidence that the theory of evolution is actually a fact—as incontrovertible as any fact in science.'”

Views expressed on this website are those of the author and not necessarily the view of LSI.  

Video Course:
Evolution -A Christian Response

A ten lesson video course produced through a partnership of the Lutheran Science Institute (LSI) and WELS Multi-Language Productions (MLP) for distribution by LSI, MLP, TELL, and Academia Cristo.  For grades 5-12 through adult.

Video Bible Study

Bible Study on the video series:
Evolution -A Christian Response
grades 5-12, college students, and adults

FREE 41-page Leader Guide


A Biology Textbook
by Mark Bergemann

Evaluation of a biology textbook.  Useful for teachers, students, and parents to see how such textbooks use very poor logic in their attempt to convince students that evolution is true. This textbook is a college level book, but this article can help you understand grade school and high school textbooks too. 

Danger - Polite Evolutionists from NSTA
by Mark Bergemann

Learn how many science tecahers decieve students and parents by clkaiming they will allow students to belive in creation, while that tecaher is doing everything he can to convince the student that evolution is true.  

Did God Use Evolution To Create?
Video by Mark Bergemann

-- Why do some Christians believe in millions of years?
-- How do they attempt to make the Bible conform to millions of years?
-- Scripture shows these Christians place their Christian faith in jeopardy.

Why Do Some Believe in Millions of Years?
This video shows why evolution is incompatible with the Christian faith.  It can be shown in three sections of 8-10 minutes per section. 
Transcript of this video (and student handout)   
Download in HD or SD from our Vimeo site.

The Doctrinal Conclusions of Evolution
C. W. Spaude, essay delivered to the WELS Western Wisconsin District Convention, Watertown, Wisconsin,
June 5-7, 1972.
9 pages.

God Creates Our World
A self-study course on how God made us and the world
Original text produced by the Institutional Ministries Committee of the Commission on Special Ministries of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod Copyright © 2006.  Text adapted by Multi-Language Publications of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod in 2007.  All cover and black and white illustrations are the work of Glenn Myers. Rights to Glenn Myers’ illustrations reserved by Northwestern Publishing House.  90 pages.  6MB file

Book of Nature
part 1 - 
What We Can Learn About God From Nature 
part 2 - What Nature Doesn't Tell Us 
part 3 - A Conflict Between Nature and the Bible? 
Warren Krug, LSI Journal 2007.  10 pages.

Creation-Evolution Q&A 
Warren Krug, LSI Journal 2013.
24 creation/evolution questions with answers. 21 pages.