One of the most widely-quoted proofs for evolution, which in reality was no proof at all, is now apparently in serious trouble. Scientists are quietly admitting that the famous pepper-moth experiments are "essentially useless."
God's Wrath Against Mankind Review by Lloyd Tiegs (November-December, 1999)
Excerpt: "Siegbert W. Becker in his book, The Foolishness of God, in which he looks at Lutherans’ understanding of human reason states, 'It is not Christianity that needs to be made reasonable. It is reason that needs to be made Christian.'"
editorial note: This now 15 year old article makes several claims that are no longer used by most creationists, including dust on the moon, and Paluxy River tracks. Science with its theories and laws is forever changing, so both evolutionists and creationists often abandon “evidences” that they previously found compelling. Creationists should always make a clear distinction between unchanging Biblical truth and changing scientific claims (see LSI Journal article “Essential Tools for the Creationist” 2010). Also see LSI Journal article, “Shaky Creationism: Questionable Arguments Sometimes Used by Creationists” 2006. Mark Bergemann – April, 2014
It certainly is one of the most amazing animals God has placed on this planet - the platypus or duckbill. At first glance this Australian creature might look just like the type of animal evolutionists are searching for - a living animal in transition from one species to another.
Creationist Scientist and His Famous Computer Program
Review of an article in the 6/16/97 U.S. News & World Report.
Excerpt: "it was a pleasant surprise to see a major secular news magazine recently give an even-handed treatment to a creationist scientist from New Mexico. The June 16, 1997 U.S. News & World Report, in an article entitled "The Geophysics of God" gives an account of the work of one John Baumgardner. It seems that Baumgardner, "the world’s pre-eminent expert in the design of computer models for geophysical convection," created a powerful new computer program called Terra."
Sagan did write, "I would love to believe that when I die I will live again, that some thinking, feeling, remembering part of me will continue. But as much as I want to believe that, and despite the ancient and worldwide cultural traditions that assert an afterlife, I know of nothing to suggest that it is more than wishful thinking. Sagan acknowledged the prayers spoken in his behalf during his illness, but he said it wasn’t a problem for him to face death without the certainty of an afterlife. One thing is certain. Even if he didn’t experience a deathbed conversion, Carl Sagan now knows there is a Creator God."
How Atheistic Evolutionists View Theistic Evolution by Darrel Kautz 1988, republished 2008.
Excerpt: "To an atheistic evolutionist the entire notion of theistic evolution is absurd. The theory of evolution was designed to escape God and theistic evolutionists make God a part of evolution! When a person accepts evolution as a process used by the Creator, says the atheistic evolutionist, he should go all the way and reject the supernatural completely.
The Gap Theory by Darrel Kautz 1988, reprinted 2008
The view of origins known as the "Gap Theory" is an attempt to harmonize the long ages of evolution with Genesis 1:1-2. It originated in 1814 with Dr Thomas Chalmers of Edinburgh University, Scotland. The theory was popularized in the Scofield Reference Bible of 1917,
Excerpt: "No other celestial object has been written about more in the western world than the object known as the Christmas Star or the Star of Bethlehem. The nature of this object is as controversial today as it was centuries ago. From a scientific point of view there are several astronomical objects or groups of objects that are possible candidates for being THE STAR."
Views expressed in LSI Journal articles are those of the author or editor and not necessarily the view of LSI. Articles published in the LSI Journal have been committee reviewed for accuracy since 2010.