Our Creator God is our Savior God. A God who is full of grace, that undeserved love for every person in the entire world. A God who is full of truth. A God who reveals mysteries to us.
Evolution Apologetics by the National Academy -Recommended Reading For the Creationist
This article reviews and critiques three booklets published by the National Academy of Sciences. These booklets are important to the creationist in two ways. First: To correctly learn the claims of evolutionists. Second: To better understand that the goal of many leading evolutionists is to eliminate belief in a creator god.
Evolutionists Say Amazing Things: “We Do Not Know”
This is an amazing admission from an expert in the evolutionary theory of how life began. His words mean that over the past 150 years, evolutionists have learned almost nothing about how non-living chemicals became the first living thing. This champion of evolution claims that in 1859 Darwin was “in the dark” as to how life began without a creator, and we are still “in the dark” today. I agree. No one knows how non-living chemicals could ever self-assemble into life, even over an infinite length of time.
God begins this Scripture by revealing that faith is “reality” and “proof.” Through faith we can be certain that God created the universe from nothing, that 8 people survived a planet-wide flood aboard Noah’s Ark, that Jesus died on the cross and rose on Easter Sunday, and that we will spend eternity in heaven with Jesus our Savior. We cannot see these things with our physical eyes, but we can see them clearly through the vision of faith.
Know Evolution –The Evolution Story is a Mixture of Reality and Fabrication. Human or Ape, No In-Between
Humans have always been humans. Apes have always been apes. How then do evolutionists claim to have bones of part human, part ape creatures? The evolution story is a mixture of reality and fabrication. Evolutionists’ claims for human evolution are an example of that truth. Evolutionists start with real bones, fossils, and artifacts. These remains are from humans and apes who lived and died in the past. That is the truth part. Then the fabrication begins.
Evolutionists Say: Evolution a Leap of Imagination
Evolutionists Say Amazing Things “Evolution is a Leap of Imagination”
Richard Dawkins is one of the world’s greatest defenders of evolution. He regularly derides those who believe in a supernatural deity. In the preface to one of his bestselling books, he wonders why “the vast majority of people” refuse to deny the supernatural and therefore refuse to accept god-less evolution. He lists reasons why he thinks people persist in religious belief and concludes with the truth that evolution is “contrary to all intuition,” and is “a very large leap of imagination …a leap of the imagination so large that, to this day, many people seem unwilling to make it.”
Critical Considerations of Your Origin and Existence
This article will compare how creation and evolution view the world around us and show how evolution consistently rejects explanations based on a creator god.
The evolution story is a mixture of reality and fabrication. Natural selection is a great example of this truth.
Reality: Natural selection produces new species of plants and animals. Fabrication: The claim that natural selection produces new kinds of plants and animals.
There are many species in most Biblical kinds. Every kind of plant and animal which exists today, or which has gone extinct, was created by God thousands of years ago during the six days of creation. No new kinds ever develop. New species develop all the time, but always within their own kind. Birds did not descend from dinosaurs, they descended from birds. People did not descend from apelike creatures, they descended from people.
Books Creationists Should Own -David Stove’s Darwinian Fairytales; article by Jeffrey Stueber
Stueber writes: Evolution by natural selection, Stove says, is a general theory that applies to all species including humans, and if it is not true of humans it is not true. Stove is also blunt in noting that if Darwin’s theory were true, the human race would never exist and does so only because, contrary to Darwinian belief, cooperation was always stronger than competition.
How about starting each day by reciting out loud a positive passage from Scripture? A great choice would be, This is the day the LORD has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it. These words are packed with so much meaning. The Psalmist starts by declaring God to be our creator. God created everything, including time itself. God made today!
Let’s compare evolution and creation, look at a few of the logical problems evolution faces, and learn why evolution is incompatible with the Christian faith. We will then consider the question, “Why do some believe in millions of years?”
Modified from a 2013 LSI video used for confirmation class, adult Bible studies, and in high schools. The video includes additional review and discussion questions. www.LutheranScience.org/video
The Nazi German military had developed a code system, called Enigma, for sending information and directions to its field units and ships. ...Alan Turing and the team of codebreakers successfully developed a machine to decode the Germans’ messages. The breaking of Enigma is considered among the top accomplishments leading to Allied victory in the War. Consider now that the field of code-making and code-breaking, formally called cryptography, unveils fundamental evidence of intelligence.
There is a narrow Lutheran middle road regarding Creation. Let’s travel that narrow road while not falling into the ditches on either side. The ditch on one side incorrectly sees arguments from reason as able to aid in creating or sustaining faith. The ditch on the other side incorrectly sees no place at all for arguments from reason in our apologetic (in our defense of the faith).
This Lutheran Science Institute (LSI) survey was taken by 978 pastors, teachers, and laity between September 3 and November 28, 2015. Below is a chronologically sorted list of the textual responses of all 773 respondents who wrote something (79% of the 978 total respondents). This is a complete set of unedited responses, except words identifying the respondent have been removed.
Nearly 1,000 WELS pastors, teachers, staff ministers, and lay Sunday School teachers completed a creation apologetics survey in fall 2015. The WELS consistently and correctly teaches the Biblical position of a recent creation and a world-wide flood. That said, we do hold various thoughts on how to approach the lie of evolution.
Principal Conclusions
1. Many or most WELS called workers see evolution as a significant issue for the church. 2. WELS called workers overwhelmingly agree that our schools should teach some of the scientific problems faced by evolution. 3. Many WELS called workers see a need for good creation apologetic materials. 4. There is a wide diversity of creation apologetic methods used by our WELS called workers. 5. Our WELS called workers are split on how to define “science.” One definition sees evolution as science. The other definition sees the exact opposite: evolution is not science. 6. Many WELS called workers have misconceptions about science and evolution. 7. WELS called workers are solidly young earth creationists (YEC). 8. WELS laity who teach Sunday School share these attributes. 9. Many WELS teachers view the effect of science on faith differently than many WELS pastors.
Survey Questions: This Lutheran Science Institute (LSI) survey was taken by 978 pastors, teachers, and laity between September 3 and November 28, 2015.
What the video does is show that people who believe in evolution can’t necessarily give answers to simple questions about their beliefs. Often they demonstrate that their beliefs are based on faith in teachers or scientists who are presumed to have those answers. These “experts” do not have those answers, though, and faith in them is nothing but a cop-out and excuse to evade thinking about questions about creation and evolution.
This article series discusses the use of reason in apologetics (i.e., defending the faith) when ministering to Christians and when witnessing to unbelievers, particularly regarding creation/evolution.
Part 1: Why Confront Evolution in Your Witness? Part 2: Handling Evolution in Your Witness. Part 3: Evolution/Creation - Two Starting Points. Part 4: Evolution is Incompatible with the Christian Faith.
Witnessing In A World Where Evolution ...ALL parts
This article series discusses the use of reason in apologetics (i.e., defending the faith) when ministering to Christians and when witnessing to unbelievers, particularly regarding creation/evolution.
Part 1: Why Confront Evolution in Your Witness? Part 2: Handling Evolution in Your Witness. Part 3: Evolution/Creation - Two Starting Points. Part 4: Evolution is Incompatible with the Christian Faith.
This article series discusses the use of reason in apologetics (i.e., defending the faith) when ministering to Christians and when witnessing to unbelievers, particularly regarding creation/evolution.
Part 1: Why Confront Evolution in Your Witness? Part 2: Handling Evolution in Your Witness. Part 3: Evolution/Creation - Two Starting Points. Part 4: Evolution is Incompatible with the Christian Faith.
This article series discusses the use of reason in apologetics (i.e., defending the faith) when ministering to Christians and when witnessing to unbelievers, particularly regarding creation/evolution.
Part 1: Why Confront Evolution in Your Witness? Part 2: Handling Evolution in Your Witness. Part 3: Evolution/Creation - Two Starting Points. Part 4: Evolution is Incompatible with the Christian Faith.
Modern Biochemical Genetics - What it Tells Us ...
"So also our God works our genetics, experience, and environment into a beautiful tapestry. He arranges history and circumstance to reach out to each of us with the energizing power of the Gospel. Our sins have indeed caused damage that will result in our death. But God gives us new life that grows out of the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ."
The term comes from a medieval English philosopher and Franciscan monk named William of Ockham who held to the principle that “plurality should not be posited without necessity.â€1 In other words,one should avoid adding additional steps or parts to an explanation when fewer steps or parts would suffice as well or better. Occam's razor is sometimes called the law of parsimony, which means “the simpler the assumption, the more likely it is correct.†This principle was often used in medieval philosophy, and neither the name nor the idea originated with William, but he often made use of it in his work.
This article series discusses the use of reason in apologetics (i.e., defending the faith) when ministering to Christians and when witnessing to unbelievers, particularly regarding creation/evolution.
Part 1: Why Confront Evolution in Your Witness? Part 2: Handling Evolution in Your Witness. Part 3: Evolution/Creation - Two Starting Points. Part 4: Evolution is Incompatible with the Christian Faith.
Historical vs. Operational Science: Why Knowing the Difference Between the Two Matters
When one considers the major accomplishments by scientists today, Historical science seems to play little if any role. What do medical researchers, rocket scientists, automobile engineers, nutritionists etc. need to know about radiometric dating, abiogenesis, macroevolution or the Big Bang when it comes to new breakthroughs in their fields? And only Operational science and not Historical science can make full use of the acclaimed scientific method
Summary: We have seen that evolution is a lie, because it is contrary to Scripture. We have looked at the nature of evidence, and found that false things like evolution can have evidence. We have considered how science is sometimes wrong, and how evolution is one of the places where science is wrong. Next we surveyed several of the countless pieces of evidence for evolution, and the weaknesses of that evidence. Creationists see similar weakness in all evidence for evolution. Finally, we evaluated who defines science, and that the scientific community overwhelmingly accepts evolution as having evidence.
Evolution will never make any progress at reaching any truth, wherever it is attempting to explain the result of a miracle through natural means.
Views expressed in LSI Journal articles are those of the author or editor and not necessarily the view of LSI. Articles published in the LSI Journal have been committee reviewed for accuracy since 2010.