• Ten Videos
    Curriculum 4K-Adult
    4K to grade 2
    Dating Methods
  • Classroom
    Ape to Man?
    Origin of Life
    Noah's Flood
    Fossils and Rocks
  • Natural Selection
    Creation Apologetics
    Old Earth Creationism
    Bill Nye Video
LSI Speaking Engagements and Displays
LSI provides qualified speakers and/or displays
to WELS and ELS congregations and groups
on a first-come-first-served basis.  
Contact LSI for details.  

    Western WI Teachers' Conference, Feb 15-16, 2024
  • LSI was at the Western Wisconsin District Teachers' Conference in Oconomowoc, WI on February 15-16, 2024.  Two-hundred-eighty-one back issues of the LSI Journal were distributed, as were 42 flyers on the LSI creation apologetic video series. 
    WLS Missions and Ministry, February 6-8. 2024
  • This was LSI's twelfth year at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary's Missions and Ministry.  We had in 5-munute or longer conversations with about a dozen students (from the seminary and from MLC and Bethany), several professors, several synod administrators, and a few visiting pastors and missionaries.  We distributed 361 print copies of ten LSI Journal back issues to 67 people.  Also disributed were 39 fliers about the LSI creation apologetic video course, Evolution--A Christian Response.  
    Arizona Men of His Word, January 20, 2024
  • An unmanned LSI display was at the Phoenix Arizona Men of His Word conference on January 20, 2024.  The LSI table offerred attendees free copies of the LSI Journal.  Ninety-five copies each of the summer 2023 LSI Journal and the winter 2023 LSI Journal were distributed.  
    WI Lutheran State Teachers’ Conference (WLSTC), Oct 26-27, 2023
  • LSI had a display at the WLSTC held at Wisconsin Lutheran High School in Milwaukee, WI where we distributed 502 copies of the print LSI Journal (5 issues were available for teachers to take).  We spoke with many of the 1,250 teachers (5K - grade 8) in attendance.  More than a few teachers mentioned they used the LSI Video Course in class and it went very well. 
    LWMS convention, June 22-25, 2023
  • LSI had a display at the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS) convention on June 22-25, 2023, in LaCrosse, WI.  LSI technical advisor Paul Finke talked with many of the 1,200 attendees and distributed about 950 copies of the LSI Journal and handouts about the LSI video course. 
    WELS SEW District Convention, June 13-14, 2023
  • Each delegate to the WELS SEW (Southeastern Wisconsin) District Convention, June 13-14, 2023, received an electronic or print handout advertising the LSI video apologetics course, "Evolution--A Christian Response." 
    WELS Campus Ministry Staff Conference, May 22-23, 2023
  • LSI had a display at the WELS Campus Ministry Staff Conference, where 64 college campus pastors and others met at Christ in Pewaukee, WI on May 22-23, 2023.  Most attendees stopped by our LSI display, taking 183 copies of the print LSI Journal (copies of ten different issues were available, along with a flier advertising the LSI video Bible study).  Many campus pastors also registered to receive bulk mailings of the LSI Journal
    WLS Missions and Ministry, February 7-9. 2023
  • LSI was at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary's Missions and Ministry for the eleventh year, enabling us to speak with seminary students and professors, visiting students from Martin Luther College and Bethany College, and visiting pastors and missionaries.  LSI distributed 219 copies of the LSI Journal, including 101 copies of the fall 2022 journal with the article, “What Should I Teach About Dinosaurs." 
    Arizona Men of His Word, January 21, 2023
  • An unmanned LSI display was at the Phoenix Arizona Men of His Word conference in January 2023.  Attendees picked up 200 copies of the spring 2022 and 200 copies of the summer 2022 LSI Journal
    WI Lutheran State Teachers’ Conference (WLSTC), Oct 27-28, 2022
  • LSI had a display at the WLSTC held at Wisconsin Lutheran High School in Milwaukee, WI, where we distributed 744 copies of the print LSI Journal (7 issues were available for teachers to take).  Mark Bergemann also led three sectionals on the topic, "What Should I Teach My Students About Dinosaurs?" 
    Christian Life Resources Podcast Oct 4, 2022
  • The Life Challenges Podcast, Episode 56: Discussing Evolution with Mark Bergemann of the Lutheran Science Institute.  Christian Life Resources reports; "Today we welcome Mark Bergmann of the Lutheran Science Institute (LSI) to the podcast. Join us as we talk about evolution and life issues. We'll also discuss how to talk about evolution with both Christians and non-Christians."   
    LWMS convention, June 23-26, 2022
  • LSI had a display at the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS) convention on June 23-26, 2022, in Rochester, NY.  LSI technical advisor Paul Finke distributed copies of the LSI Lesson Book, handouts on the LSI video course, Evolution—A Christian Response, and copies of past LSI Journals
    LWMS Rally in CT, April 23, 2022
  • LSI was at the Lutheran Women’s Missionary Society (LWMS) Spring Rally in Connecticut on Saturday June 23, 2022.  LSI technical advisor Paul Finke gave a short presentation on LSI ministry.  He distributed copies of the LSI Lesson Book, handouts on the LSI video course, Evolution—A Christian Response, and copies of four past LSI Journals.  The attendance of about 35 was down from pre-COVID years.  This was the first use of the new LSI traveling display, which can be mailed cross country for LSI members to setup and return
    Western WI Teachers' Conference, Feb 17-18, 2022
  • LSI was at the Western Wisconsin District Teachers' Conference in Sun Prairie WI on February 17-18, 2022.  LSI President Mark Bergemann led three sectionals on classroom use of the LSI video series, Evolution--A Christian Response.  LSI distributed 430 copies of the LSI Journal, including 137 copies of the fall 2019 LSI Journal (ideas for the classroom), and about 200 handouts advertising the LSI video course.
    WLS Missions and Ministry, February 8-10, 2022
  • LSI was at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary's Missions and Ministry for the tenth year, enabling us to speak with seminary students and professors, visiting students from Martin Luther College and Bethany College, and visiting pastors and missionaries.  LSI distributed 358 copies of the LSI Journal, including 81 copies of the LSI Lesson Book and 77 copies of the winter 2021 "Science" edition.  
    Men of His Word conference, Jan 22, 2022
  • Attendees at the January 22, 2022, Men of His Word conference in Phoenix, Arizona, each received copies of the LSI Lesson Book and the winter 2021 LSI Journal.  LSI provided 130 copies of each booklet. 
    WI Lutheran State Teachers’ Conference (WLSTC), Oct 28-29, 2021
  • LSI had a display at the WLSTC held at Wisconsin Lutheran High School in Milwaukee, WI.  About 900 teachers attended in person and another 200 attended virtually.  LSI distributed 679 copies of recent LSI Journals, including 212 copies of the LSI Lesson Book and 186 copies of the fall 2019 LSI Journal.  Many teachers positively commented on the new LSI Video Course on creation apologetics.  Some have already shown all ten videos while others showed just a few.  We distributed 173 color fliers advertising these videos.
    OWLS Convention, Oct 20-22 2021
  • Attendees at the Organization of WELS Lutheran Seniors (OWLSconvention each received copies of the LSI Lesson Book, the winter 2021 LSI Journal, and the spring 2021 LSI Journal LSI provided 75 copies of each booklet.  The convention was held October 20-22 at the Stoney Creek Hotel in Onalaska WI.  
    WELS Campus Ministry Staff Conference, May 17-18, 2021
  • Each attendee at the WELS Campus Ministry Staff Conference received a print copy of the LSI Lesson Book, the winter 2021 LSI Journal, and the spring 2021 LSI Journal.  Nearly 50 campus pastors met at Christ in Pewaukee, WI on May 17-18, 2021.  
    Western WI Teachers' Conference, Feb 20-21, 2020
  • LSI is sending 350 copies of the fall 2019 LSI Journal (classroom ideas) for distribution at the Western WI Teachers' Conference, this year held in Onalaska, WI.  About 300 teachers representing 50 schools are expected to attend.
    WLS Missions and Ministry, February 4-6, 2020
  • LSI had a display table at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary's Missions and Ministry, where we spoke with seminary students and professors, visiting students from Martin Luther College and Bethany College, and visiting pastors and missionaries.  WE distributed 152 copies of the winter 2020 LSI Journal plus 197 copies of six back issues of the journal.  This was our ninth consecutive time at this event.
    Adult Bible Class at Good Shepherds Lutheran, December 1,8,15, 2019
  • LSI President Mark Bergemann led a creation apologetics Bible class the first three Sundays in December, 2019 at Good Shepherd's Lutheran Church in West Allis WI.    
         Dec 1:   A Lutheran Response to Evolution. 
         Dec 8:   Did God Use Evolution to Create?
         Dec 15: Critiquing an evolution classroom video.     
    WI Lutheran State Teachers’ Conference (WLSTC), Oct 24-25, 2019
  • LSI had a display at the WLSTC held at Wisconsin Lutheran High School in Milwaukee, WI and attended by 1,200 grade school teachers from many states.  LSI president Mark Bergemann conduct two sectionals titled, Evolution -a Lutheran Response.  This was the fifth consecutive year that LSI had a display and spoke with these educators.  We distributed 417 copies of the LSI Lesson Book, 264 copies of other issues, and 9 sets of the most recent 15 journals.
    Adult Bible Class at Immanuel Lutheran, September 22, 2019
  • More than 110 people heard a presentation on September 22, 2019 at Immanuel Lutheran Church in Greenville WI titled, "Evolution -a Lutheran Response."  A 30 minute Q&A followed.  LSI President Mark Bergemann was the presenter.  280 copies of LSI Journals were distributed.  
    WELS National Convention July 29 - Aug 1, 2019
  •       LSI had a display at the 2019 biennial convention of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS).  We spoke with hundreds of lay leaders, pastors, teachers, missionaries, and others from across the country and some from across the globe. 
          We distributed 513 copies of a special "lesson book" edition of the LSI Journal (Evolution -a Lutheran Respose).   Six pastors and teachers took 10-30 copies of that lesson book for use in adult Bible study or in the classroom (140 of the 513 total copies distributed).  We also distributed 370 copies of other LSI Journal issues.  Delegates purchased 19 sets of the past 15 LSI Journal issues at the convention price of $7.00 (online price is $14.90 plus $3.00 shipping which reflects the cost to LSI for reprinting older issues).  
          The convention was held at Martin Luther College in New Ulm Minnesota.  This was the third consecutive WELS convention attended by LSI.  Here is more about the 2019 WELS convention.
    Free Conference on Apologetics, June 28, 2019.
  • LSI president Mark Bergemann was one of three WELS representatives at a free conference on apologetics hosted by the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS) Ad Hoc Committee on Christian Apologetics.  This 2-hour breakfast meeting was held at Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato Minnesota on June 28.  Attendance was about 18, with at least two from the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS) and two from the Church of the Lutheran Confession (CLC).  We discussed many Bible passages related to apologetics, agreed to meet again next year, and decided to have an ongoing email discussion. 
    Apologetics and Worldview Conference, June 27, 2019
  • LSI had a display table at the second annual Apologetics and Worldview Conference, held at Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato MN on June 27, 2019.  
    ELS National Convention June 23-27, 2019
  •       LSI had a display at the 2019 annual convention of the Evangelical Lutheran Synod (ELS).  This was the first time LSI attended this convention, held at Bethany Lutheran College in Mankato Minnesota.  We distributed 341 copies copies of the LSI Lesson Book.  Eighty of these were given to 4 pastors for use in their adult Bible studies.  Delegates and guests also took copies of other LSI Journal issues from our display including 134 copies of the spring 2019 "In The Classroom" issue and 132 copies of the summer 2019 "Carbon Dating" issue.   
          We did not solicit gifts at the convention, yet four attendees gave us cash donations.  Delegates also purchased 19 sets of the past 15 LSI Journals.  
          Of most importance, we had fruitful discussions with many ELS leaders, pastors, teachers, and laity.   Several of these conversations hold great promise for opening future ministry options for LSI.  There is strong support in the ELS for apologetics.  The theme of this convention was "My Help Comes From The Lord, Maker of Heaven and Earth."  That also served as the title of the featured convention essay by Dr. Doyle Holbird, a professor who teaches biology at Bethany College.  The convention delegates also voted to form an ELS apologetics group, one with reasources to move apoloegtics forward in the ELS.  
          Here is more about the 2019 ELS convention.
    Western WI Teachers' Conference, Feb 14-15, 2019
  • The Western Wisconsin Teachers' Conference was held near Madison WI on February 14-15, 2019.  LSI distributed 426 copies of the winter 2019 "Lesson Book" edition of the LSI Journal plus 149 copies of the fall 2018 "Dino" edition.  The two keynotes were by Dr. Ryan MacPherson of Bethany College and Prof Steven Thiesfeldt of Martin Luther College (MLC).  Three science teachers from MLC lead sectionals at this science themed event.  LSI President Mark Bergemann lead two sectionals, both of which were the slideshow, “Did God Use Evolution to Create?” 
    WLS Missions and Ministry, February 5-7, 2019
  • The LSI display at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary's Missions and Ministry, enabled us to speak with seminary students and professors, visiting students from Martin Luther College and Bethany College, and visiting pastors and missionaries.  We distributed 117 copies of the winter 2019 LSI Journal "Lesson Book" to individuals, and another 141 to two congregations and one school for use in Bible studies and class.  Also distributed were 51 copies of the fall 2018 LSI Journal (dinosaur issue) and two sets of the past 13 issues of the journal.  

    WI Lutheran State Teachers’ Conference (WLSTC), Oct 25-26, 2018
  • About 1,200 grade school teachers from many states attended the WLSTC held at Wisconsin Lutheran High School in Milwaukee, WI.  As often happens at these events, we made several important contacts, such as committee members learning of LSI and planning to have us speak at their events and being invited to participate in various creation apologetic related discussions.  We distributed 525 copies of the LSI Journal to about 300 teachers.  This was the fourth successive year that LSI had a display and spoke with these educators.    

    High School Teachers' Conference, Oct 25, 2018
  • LSI provided 170 copies of the fall 2017 LSI Journal for distribution to attendees at a conference for high school teachers, meeting October 25th at Kettle Moraine Lutheran High School in Jackson WI.
    Michigan District Teachers' Conference, Oct 10-12, 2018
  • LSI provided 250 copies of the winter 2018 LSI Journal for distribution to attendees at the Michigan District Teachers' Conference, meeting October 10-12 at St. Paul's Lutheran School in Stevensville, Michigan.  Ten sets of the recent eleven LSI Journals were also provided. We hope to be there in person in 2019. This year scheduling conflicts prevented having an LSI display table there.  
    WELS SEW Distrct Convention, June 12-13, 2018
  • Our first display at a WELS district convention went very well.  We spoke with many delegates and guests at the WELS South-Eastern Wisconsin District Convention held at Wisconsin Lutheran College in Milwaukee WI. 


    We distributed 356 color copies of the winter 2018 issue of the LSI Journal and 115 copies of other issues.  Inserts advertising Martin Luther College’s creation apologetics online courses were included in each LSI Journal.  


    It seems that every time we have an LSI display at a convention or pastor/teacher conference we have several important conversations with WELS leaders, congregational pastors, and teachers at our colleges, high schools, and grade schools.  This time we had many such conversations providing new avenues for LSI ministry. 

    Share Your Faith Evangelism Day, April 21, 2018
  • LSI had a display table at "Share Your Faith Evangelism Day" at Wisconsin Lutheran High School on April 21, 2018 from 8:30 am - 1:00 pm.  We spoke with many of the 105 pastors, teachers, and congregational evangelism volunteers who attended.  Sixty-three copies of the winter 2018 LSI Journal and eighty copies of three other journal issues. where distributed.    

    This event included a keynote address and nine workshops.  
    WLS Missions and Ministry, February 6-8, 2018
  • LSI had one of 34 displays at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary's Missions and Ministry, allowing us to speak with the seminary students, visiting students from Martin Luther College and Bethany College, and visiting pastors and missionaries.   We distrubuted 170 color copies of the LSI Journal, and about 130 fliers advertcing the MLC online course, Creation Apologetics.  
    WI Lutheran State Teachers’ Conference (WLSTC), Oct 26-27, 2017
  • About 1,200 grade school teachers from many states attended the WLSTC held at Wisconsin Lutheran High School in Milwaukee, WI.  We distributed 206 copies of the summer 2017 LSI Journal and 150 copies of the spring 2017 LSI Journal.  Many teachers spoke with us at length.  This was the third successive year that LSI had a display and spoke with these educators.   
    WI Assoc. of Lutheran Educators (WALE), Oct 26-27
  • 250 copies of our spring 2017 LSI Journal were inserted into attendee folders at the WALE teachers' conference for WELS high school teachers, held in October at Lakeside Lutheran High School, Lake Mills, Wisconsin. 
    WELS Convention, July 31 - Aug 3, 2017
  • This was by far the most successful display LSI has had in decades.  LSI president Bergemann spoke with hundreds of delegates and guests at the WELS 64th Biennial Convention in Watertown WI (August 1-2).  We distributed 612 copies of the spring 2017 LSI Journal (500 of this special convention issue were inserted in the delegate bags), 168 of the winter 2017 issue, and 125 of the fall 2016 issue. 


    Leaders from two separate Asian church bodies expressed interest in having the LSI Journal translated for use in their ministries. 


    About 420 fliers advertising the coming MLC creation apologetics online course were also distributed from our display.   Dozens of pastors, teachers, and laity asked for details on the course and at least five expressed interest in taking it.  In addition, two pastors from overseas expressed interest in having one of their parishioners take the course. 


    48 churches registered to receive three free copies of the LSI Journal mailed to them every quarter. 


    Nine people joined LSI. 

    SEW Shoreland Pastors’ Conference, May 9, 2017
  • Two 75 minute papers were presented to the Southeastern Wisconsin Shoreland Pastors’ Conference at First Lutheran Church in Lake Geneva, WI.  Dr. Gary Locklair spoke on “Common Questions and Creation Evidences.”  Mark Bergemann spoke on “Creation Apologetics Used in the WELS.” 

    We distributed 181 copies of the three most recent LSI Journals.
    WLS Missions and Ministry, February 7-9, 2017
  • Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary's annual "Missions and Ministry" event brings in dozens of presenters from around the world who speak on a wide range of Christian ministry topics.  Seminary students attend their choice of nine presentations.  Students also hear six keynotes from synodical leaders, including the WELS President.

    Our LSI display table was one of 39 displays each highlighting a particular WELS ministry group.  This year we distributed 137 color copies of the current LSI Journal, plus 37 back issues and about 20 copies of the article "Creation Apologetics Used In The WELS." 

    We had great discussions with dozens of students, professors, and visiting missionaries, professors, and students from MLC and Bethany.  So many gave us encouragement through their kind words. 
    WI Lutheran State Teachers’ Conference (WLSTC), Oct 27-28, 2016
  • About 1,200 grade school teachers from five states attend this annual event held at Wisconsin Lutheran High School in Milwaukee, WI.  LSI distributed 374 copies of the LSI Journal and talked with dozens of teachers.  Teachers registered 12 congregations and schools to receive bulk mailings of the LSI Journal.  Three teachers joined LSI. 
    SEW Metro-Milwaukee Pastors' Conference, Oct 10, 2016
  • Two presentations were given to the Southeastern Wisconsin Metro-Milwaukee Pastors’ Conference at Nain Church in West Allis, WI by Mark Bergemann.  About half of the 3 hours was presentation and half was Q&A.  Dr. Bruce Holman assisted with answering questions asked by the pastors. 

    Morning presentation:

    Creation Apologetics Used in the WELS

    We will learn that WELS pastors, teachers, authors, and laity are not only concerned that we should address the temptation of evolution, but they are also concerned about HOW we address evolution.  We will examine the great diversity of creation apologetics used in the WELS, and see that several of those apologetics present opposing claims.  My prayer is that we will come to realize the WELS needs a synod-wide discussion about creation apologetics.  That discussion must be held in an atmosphere of brotherly love, and with respect for WELS brothers and sisters holding opposing positions. 


    Afternoon presentation

    Did God Use Evolution to Create?  

    Why do some Christians believe in millions of years?  How do they attempt to make the Bible conform to millions of years?  After answering those questions, let’s examine Scripture and see that Christians who accept evolution place their Christian faith in jeopardy.

    Luther Days, September 17, 2016
  • Luther Days at Shoreland Lutheran High School in Somers, Wisconsin.

    LSI had a display, as did 60 other WELS groups.  We spoke with many and distributed 221 LSI Journals.  Five people joined LSI.  Six congregations were registered to receive bulk mailings of the print LSI Journal. 

    Four LSI speakers gave presentations: 

    Origins: Fossils and Creation
    The fossil record provides strong evidence for creation. “Wait a minute, how can that be?” some ask, “I’ve heard that the fossils ‘prove’ evolution.” Actually, the fossil record supports creation and argues against evolution.- the fossil record shows the fantastic, complex design of life. - the fossil record shows an initial great diversity of life. - fossils show evidence of a young age and not millions or billions of years. In this presentation, we will investigate how the fossil record supports the idea of an initial diverse creation by the direct act of God. Rather than a ‘proof’ of evolution, the fossil record is in agreement with creation as depicted in God’s Word. Creation is a more reasonable explanation for the fossil record than evolution is. 
    By Dr. Gary Locklair.

    Entropy and the Origin of Your Life
    Martin Luther never shrunk from using reason where it was appropriate. There are compelling arguments showing God created life even to someone who requires a scientific answer to the question of how life began. Every process that happens all by itself – without the intervention of human or divine action has characteristics which are described by thermodynamic principles. As these principles are explained it becomes evident that only our spiritual blindness, not scientific facts, keep us from recognizing that this could only be the work of an almighty creator God. The scriptures that have proclaimed His acts of creation for thousands of years, also tell us how God has acted to rescue us from death, and give us a new and more abundant life.
    By Dr. Bruce Holman

    Essential Tools for the Lutheran Creationist 
    What is it that God’s people really need with respect to creation and evolution issues? What tools do they need in order to help them evaluate things such as creation models and points of evolution from a Lutheran perspective. When exposed to creation and evolution literature, Christians often find themselves asking only one question: “Is this right/wrong?” A better approach is to maintain the distinction between the scientific and the theological by asking two separate questions instead of only one: 1. “Is this conclusion theologically permissible?” and 2. “Is this conclusion scientifically logical and valid? 
    By Patrick Winkler.

    Did God Use Evolution to Create?  
    Why do some Christians believe in millions of years? Let’s examine from Scripture why Christians who accept evolution place their Christian faith in jeopardy. Extensive discussion will be encouraged, so bring your questions. 
    By Mark Bergemann

    Adult VBS, July 26-27, 2016
  • Dr. Gary Locklair led adult VBS sessions at Trinity Ev. Lutheran Church in Coleman, Wisconsin on two evenings in late July. 
    Mt Zion, June 15, 2016
  • Dr. Gary Locklair spoke at Mt. Zion in Kenosha WI on the topic, “Creation is Reasonable: four evidences that argue powerfully for God’s creative activity.”
    Ironmen Of God Conference, March 19, 2016
  • About 200 men attended the “Ironmen Of God” conference at St. Paul's Lutheran School in Ixonia, Wisconsin.  LSI had a display along with about a dozen others.  We spoke with many and distributed 110 LSI Journals to about 90 individuals.  Eleven people joined LSI.  Eleven congregations were registered to receive bulk mailings of the print LSI Journal.  Two WELS campus ministries (Madison and Milwaukee WI) also registered to receive bulk Journal mailings.  This was the first many had heard about LSI, yet we also spoke with several men who were already LSI members.   

    WLS Missions and Ministry, February 2-4, 2016
  • This was the fifth year we had an LSI display at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary's "Missions and Ministry."  There were many displays showing various WELS ministries including ours.  The buses from MLC and Bethany colleges did not come due to the snow storm.   

    We spoke with many students, professors, pastors, and with those manning other displays.   LSI distributed 86 printed copies of the new article, "The Narrow Lutheran Middle Road For Creation,”  82 copies of the 28 page survey report, 34 copies of the 2016winter LSI Journal, and several other article reprints. 

    Many students and professors thanked and encouraged us for our ministry. 
    WI Lutheran State Teachers’ Conference (WLSTC), Oct 29-30, 2015
  • About 1,200 grade school teachers from five states attend the WLSTC held at Wisconsin Lutheran High School in Milwaukee, WI.  We briefly spoke with hundreds of teachers at our LSI table and had extended conversations with several dozen.  Many expressed thanks for our LSI ministry.  More than a dozen teachers were interested in writing articles or classroom materials for LSI, and 14 took a copy of our author guidelines.  Very positive contacts were also made with two synodical administrators of our WELS school system.  We distributed 154 copies of our video transcript “Why Do Some Believe In Millions of Years.” 
    WELS Convention July 27-30, 2015
  • Many visitors from around the world along with 437 voting and advisory delegates attended the 63rd biennial convention of the WELS in Saginaw MI.  All delegates received an 8 x 11 full color flier from LSI.  Four-hundred-seventy-one copies of that LSI flier were distributed either in delegate bags or taken from our LSI display table. 
    Many people visited our LSI display table and took printed copies of LSI articles.  The quantity of articles taken were:
    82 … Creation – Evolution Q&A
    79 … Why Do Some Believe in Millions of Years (video transcript)
    78 … Witnessing in a World Where Evolution Claims There is No God
    LSI president Mark Bergemann served as a lay delegate and on a busy floor committee.  He was still able to speak with several dozen attendees, some for longer than fifteen minutes. 

    WELS National School Leadership Conference, June 15-18, 2015
  • Nearly 400 teachers and guests attended the National School Leadership Conference (NSLC) held every three years (this year from June 15-18, 2015).  Mark Bergemann spoke with more than 85 attendees at our LSI table at the Country Springs Hotel and Conference Center in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  The primary printed articles we distributed were:

    -- 64 copies video transcript “Why Do Some Believe In Millions of Years.”

    -- 34 copies “Creation – Evolution Q&A.”

    -- 29 copies “Witnessing in a World Where Evolution Claims There Is No God.”


    We had extended conversations with about 25 people.  Many were thankful for our LSI ministry.  Ten people joined LSI as Subscribers.  Similar to most such events, we spoke with several high level WELS officials with very positive results.   These contacts have proven to be very beneficial for expanding LSI ministry. 

    WLS MIssions and Mnistry, Feb 3, 4, 5, 2015
  • This was the fourth year we had an LSI display at Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary's "Missions and Ministry."  There were 31 displays showing various WELS ministries including ours.
    Dr. Bruce Holman and Mark Bergemann spoke with many students, professors, pastors, and with those manning other displays.   As in other years, students from MLC attend on one day and students from Bethany on another day.   We spoke to about a dozen seminary professors, many for more than 5 minutes.  LSI received plenty of thanks and encouragement.  Our display was manned from 7:10 am to 1:30 pm all three days (Feb 3,4,5).  We were very busy talking with students, professors, and pastors during the official “display perusal” periods, but also had lengthy private conversations at other times.  Sixteen joined LSI as Subscribers.  Several were workers at other display tables.
    LSI distributed 61 printed copies of a seven article reprint, “Two Creation Apologetics –with opposing views of science are taught in the WELS.”  We also distributed 91 copies of several other LSI articles. 


    Milwaukee Institute of Christian Studies; October 2014
  • Dr. Bruce Holman presented "Entropy and the Origin of Life" at the Milwaukee Institute of Christian Studies.  Each of these three for credit classes were four hours long.  Dr. Holman presented material from the book he is writing, and there was plenty of discursion. 
    Bible Information Class (BIC) June 15, 2014
  • Warren Krug lead the Adult Bible information class on June 15, 2014 at Trinity, Caledonia WI  The topic was Genesis and creation.
    Presentation to pastoral group; May 12, 2014
  • Editor Warren Krug spoke on the topic of creation science at a meeting of retired pastors in the Milwaukee area. 
    WLS Missions and Ministry, February 4, 5, 6, 2014
  • This was the third year we had an LSI display at Wisconsin Lutherans Seminary's "Missions and Ministry."  There were 30 displays showing various WELS ministries including ours.

    Dr. Bruce Holman and Mark Bergemann spoke with many students, professors, pastors, and with those manning other displays.   As in other years, students from MLC attended on one day and students from Bethany on another day.  

    We distributed 73 copies of the script for our new LSI video, “Why Do Some Believe in Millions of Years?” This 25 minute video was playing at our display.

    Adult Bible Study, December 22, 2013
  • Mark Bergemann gave a one hour presentation to the Sunday Morning Adult Bible Class at Good Shepherd’s Evangelical Lutheran Church in West Allis WI.  He compared evolution and creation, looked at a few of the scientific problems evolution faces, and showed why evolution is incompatible with the Christian faith.  Included was a 35 minute question and answer period. 

    This presentation was later distributed by LSI as a video:
    Why Do Some Believe in Millions of Years?

    Full day seminar in Calgary, Canada, November 16, 2013
  • Dr. Bruce Holman gave a creation seminar at Mountain View Lutheran Church in Calgary Canada on Saturday, November 16, 2013.

    Theme:  Is My Life An Accident Or A Divine Gift?

    9:30 - 10:00 Refreshments and Welcome
    10:00 - 12:00 Part 1: Framing the question of origins, two conflicting views. 
    12:00 - 1:00 Lunch
    1:00 - 2:45 Part 2: Finding the answer to the beginning and meaning of all life.
    2:45 - 3:00 Refreshment Break
    3:00 - 4:00 Discussion and Q & A

    Operation Science Training Session at WLC; August 1, 2013
  • LSI was represented by Warren Krug at the Operation Science training session at Wisconsin Lutheran College (WLC) on August 1, 2013.  Operation Science is a group providing science materials for WELS schools.  We obtained nine new members from the small group of teachers present for this meeting.

    Confirmation class presentation, April 11th, 2013
  • Mark Bergemann gave a multimedia presentation to the 8th grade confirmation class at Good Shepherd’s Evangelical Lutheran School in West Allis WI.  He compared evolution and creation, looked at a few of the scientific problems evolution faces, and showed why evolution is incompatible with the Christian faith. 

    This presentation was later distributed by LSI as a video:
    Why Do Some Believe in Millions of Years?

    WLS Missions and Ministry, February 5, 6, 7, 2013
  • This was the second year we had an LSI display at Wisconsin Lutherans Seminary's "Missions and Ministry."  There were 28 displays showing various WELS ministries including ours.

    Dr. Bruce Holman and Mark Bergemann spoke with many students, professors, pastors, and with those manning other displays.   As in other years, students from MLC attended on one day and students from Bethany on another day.  

    We distributed 52 copies of the LSI Journal essay, "The place of reason in Defending the Christian Faith"  and 56 copies of LSI Journal essay, "Essential Tools for the Lutheran Creationist."

    29 people accepted membership in LSI.

    WELS National School Leadership Conference, June 26-27, 2012
  • Dr. Bruce Holman, Warren Krug, and Mark Bergemann spoke with teachers from across the nation at the WELS National School Leadership Conference, June 26-27, 2012, at the Country Springs Hotel and Conference Center in Waukesha, Wisconsin.  They distributed about 100 copies of several LSI Journal articles.  Twenty-five teachers accepted membership in LSI.

    WLS Missions and Ministry February 7, 8, 9, 2012
  • This was the first year we had an LSI display at Wisconsin Lutherans Seminary's "Missions and Ministry"  where displays show various WELS ministries.

    Dr. Bruce Holman and Mark Bergemann spoke with many students (WLS, MLC, Bethany), professors, missionaries, pastors, and with those manning other displays.   Students from MLC attended on one day and students from Bethany on another day.  

    We distributed 91 copies of the LSI Journal essay, "The place of reason in Defending the Christian Faith."  Twenty people accepted membership in LSI.

    WELS Metro Milwaukee Teachers' Conference, March 2010
  • Warren Krug and Dr. Bruce Holman spoke at the WELS Metro Milwaukee Teachers' Conference.  An essay based on that presentation was later published in our LSI Journal, "A Case For Creation Science." 
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
Missions and Ministry
Feb 8, 9, 10, 2022

Evangelism Day
April 21, 2018

Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
Missions and Ministry
Feb 6, 7, 8, 2018


WELS Convention interview
of LSI President Mark Bergemann 
July 2015.

LSI and other displays 
Wisconsin Lutheran Seminary
Feb 4, 5, 6,  2014


Lutheran Science Institute

Creation Evolution Resources from a Confessional Lutheran View.

LSI is PhD scientists, engineers, teachers, pastors, and laity using
scientific and theological knowledge to provide helpful resources.