Essays on Origins
Dr. David Menton, 1996
Essay #7: If We Resemble Apes, Does That Mean
We Evolved From Apes?
Exerpt: "One of the problems with the similarity = evolutionary ancestry axiom is that evolutionists ignore it whenever it doesn't fit their evolutionary scenarios. There are many instances of remarkable similarities between animals that evolutionists consider to be only distantly related. "
Essay #8: Is The Human Embryo Essentially A Fish
With Gills?
Excerpt: "Embryologists are now aware that the embryos of each species of animal are unique and dynamically functional systems. The human embryo does not become human at some point during its development, rather it is uniquely human at every stage of its development."
Essay #9: The Human Tail, and Other Tales of Evolution
Essay #21: Making Man Out of Monkeys
Essay #22: Making Monkeys Out of Man