Yes, Adam and Eve were Pretty Smart Editorial Comment by Warren Krug (March-April, 2002)
Scientists are uncovering evidence that Adam and Eve were rather intelligent, smarter than many have thought. Of course, mainstream scientists don't call them "Adam and Eve" but rather "ancient humans." Still, the idea that the first people were ignorant brutes is fast falling by the wayside.
We would expect most fossils to appear in a rough order from deep sea marine organisms to terrestrial life, based on factors like their ability to flee danger and hydrological sorting of their bodies. Of course marine organisms would be present at all levels, but land-dwelling life would not be found in the deep sea deposits. Darwinian fundamentalism does not predict this marine-to-terrestrial order we see in fossils, as the creation model does; it simply incorporates the evidence it finds. We even find marine fossils on the tops of the highest mountains, including Mount Everest, demonstrating that the layers from which the mountains formed were once under water.
Great Science Expectations by Gerald Mallmann (January-February, 2002)
The following is a presentation by our executive director first given to a teachers conference in 1982. In it he shares his concerns about the state of science teaching in our Lutheran schools.
Ed. Comment - Without God a Scientist Fears For Future
It is hard not to see a message in all this. Because the vast majority of AIDS sufferers contact the disease through abuse of their own bodies (promiscuous sexual activity and drug abuse), the message seems to be clear: STOP ABUSING YOUR BODIES. The connection is not unlike that between heavy smoking and lung cancer or alcoholism and cirrhosis (liver disease). Avoiding temptation isn’t always easy, but with God nothing is impossible. We respect our body as a gift from God. We aim for a healthy lifestyle in order to better serve Him in this life before entering the life beyond where there surely will be no AIDS or any other disease.
Ed. Comment - Writing on Paper, Spreading Good News
Ed. Comment - Score One for China by Warren Krug (May-August, 2001)
Some Chinese officials argue that the theory of evolution is too "politically charged" in the West. These officials say that Western researchers hesitate to point out Darwinian shortcomings for fear of giving support to creationists. "Evolution is facing an extremely harsh challenge," says the Communist Party’s Guang Ming Daily. "In the beginning, Darwinian evolution was a scientific theory. . .In fact, evolution eventually changed into a religion."
Wisdom - Not Editorial by Warren Krug (January-February, 2001)
A survey was taken last year of 1,300 members of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. It discovered that the average freethinker is considerably more educated and intellectual than the typical American.
What are Bible-believing Christians to think of dinosaurs? Over the years not all Christians have accepted their existence. Even today we hear a voice or two claiming that the dinosaur fossils are fossils directly created by God and placed in the ground merely to test our faith. However, the discovery of vast numbers of bones, tracks, and other fossils of creatures not known to exist today are not so easy to dismiss, nor is it at all necessary to do so. Not only is there nothing we really know about dinosaurs that conflicts in any way with the Bible and a traditional, Biblical understanding of the history of the world, but the Bible may actually contain direct support for a belief in the existence of dinosaurs.
Views expressed in LSI Journal articles are those of the author or editor and not necessarily the view of LSI. Articles published in the LSI Journal have been committee reviewed for accuracy since 2010.