Origin of life research is not enabling Darwinian fundamentalists to propose better and better theories for the origin of life without intelligent design. Instead they are stalemated and following the siren song of biochemical predestination, which only takes them from the frying pan to the fire. The known laws of science, from information science to biology, reveal that information requires an intelligent creator, language even more so. Life comes from life, and ultimately from a self-existent (uncaused) Living Creator with the competence to create life.
Most Americans mistakenly consider their country’s space agency, NASA, to be an impartial reporter of what they discover. These Americans misunderstand science.
It certainly is one of the most amazing animals God has placed on this planet - the platypus or duckbill. At first glance this Australian creature might look just like the type of animal evolutionists are searching for - a living animal in transition from one species to another.
Evolutionists start with countless unproven presuppositions. These unproven starting assumptions require that creation be rejected. Creation is rejected NOT on the basis of scientific conclusions, but on the basis of unproven a priori assumptions.
Pointing out the assumptions of evolutionists is a strong and solid argument, one which should remain strong for decades to come.
Instead of questioning the science of evolution, question the unproven assumptions which direct and constrain that science.
Pointing out the assumptions of evolutionists is a powerful tool in your creation apologetics toolbox. Make good use of this tool. Start with the “no creator” assumption. If needed, also mention the “no flood,” “deep time,” and other assumptions.
If we apply Martin’s reasoning to a bicycle, we would say the individual parts of a bicycle were never purposed nor intended to end up making a working bicycle. Obviously, Martin’s argument does not work where design is present.
Creation apologetics should take into account what people view as the most compelling arguments for millions of years.
How well is LSI addressing the claims of evolution which young people see as the most convincing? A 2016 survey will help answer that question. It asked young people ages 14 to 24 what they saw as the best evidence for evolution. [One interesting finding is that Christians and nonChristians gave similar answers.]
Biomimicry and biomimetics, the process of drawing inspiration from nature for manmade designs. Many examples are discussed and then conclusions are drawn.
The Book of Nature Part 1: What We Can Learn About God From Nature. Part 2: What Nature Doesn't Tell Us. Part 3: A Conflict Between Nature and the Bible?
The Book of Nature Part 1: What We Can Learn About God From Nature. Part 2: What Nature Doesn't Tell Us. Part 3: A Conflict Between Nature and the Bible?
The Book of Nature Part 1: What We Can Learn About God From Nature. Part 2: What Nature Doesn't Tell Us. Part 3: A Conflict Between Nature and the Bible?
The Bible doesn’t directly address the Cambrian explosion paradox so there is some room here for varying opinions. However, an evolutionary explanation is out of the question: first, because evolution does not fit with a straight forward reading of the Genesis account of creation; and second, for the scientific reasons spelled out above.
Can a Christian who accepts the Bible as literal truth also be a good scientist? Many secular scientists insist that is not possible. Christians receive insults to their scientific intelligence all the time.
In summary, everyone, both the creationist and the evolutionist, is biased in his examination of the evidence. The creationist has a religious belief that there is a Creator God. The evolutionist has a religious belief that there is not a Creator God. Scientific investigation can be used to examine evidence in light of the creationists’ faith-based world view or in light of the evolutionists’ faith-based world view. The creation/evolution debate is a competition between two incompatible faith-based world views.
Can Science in the Bible be Used as a Witnessing Tool? by Dr. Donald Dwight Johnson
In my opinion, the following instances of science in the Bible may be helpful in witnessing to those who believe science has discredited the Bible. Witnessing Tool One: Biology and Medicine. Witnessing Tool Two: Ocean Springs and Ice Caps Witnessing Tool Three: Astronomy Witnessing Tool Four:Dead Sea Scrolls.
Description Can Witnessing a Miracle Lead to Faith? No —Luke 16:27-31. Yes —Matthew 11:20-24. A scriptural case for defending the faith using extra-biblical arguments (claims from history, science, logic, etc.)
This appears to be a reprint of a much older Journal article. While still a very good article, it mentions the possibility of a vapor canopy, which most creationists abandoned years ago. The arguments of this paper still apply, except crediting a vapor canopy is no longer argued by most creationists. There still may have been much less atmospheric C-14 before and immediately after the flood. See several other LSI essays and articles, including the May 2003 LSI Journal article, "The Vapor Canopy Theory - Is It in Trouble?" As always, science changes, but God’s revealed truth in Scripture never changes. MSB, 3/16/2014
Views expressed in LSI Journal articles are those of the author or editor and not necessarily the view of LSI. Articles published in the LSI Journal have been committee reviewed for accuracy since 2010.