Richard Dawkins - #1 Enemy of Christians? Editorial Comment by Warren Krug (January-February, 2007)
He’s called "the world’s most prominent atheist." He’s confident that the theory of evolution has eliminated any possibility that God exists. He treats religious faith as a lethal disease and billions of believers as being rather stupid.
Ed. Comment - Role for Science in Biblical Interpretation
Ed. Comment - Score One for China by Warren Krug (May-August, 2001)
Some Chinese officials argue that the theory of evolution is too "politically charged" in the West. These officials say that Western researchers hesitate to point out Darwinian shortcomings for fear of giving support to creationists. "Evolution is facing an extremely harsh challenge," says the Communist Party’s Guang Ming Daily. "In the beginning, Darwinian evolution was a scientific theory. . .In fact, evolution eventually changed into a religion."
The Real Danger in Subscribing to Darwinism Editorial Comment by Warren Krug
At times I am somewhat puzzled by answers some creationists give when asked why true Christians can't be evolutionists. ... So, I believe the first answer to the question "Why can't Christians believe in evolution?" should be "Because it destroys the need for Christ."
Wisdom - Not Editorial by Warren Krug (January-February, 2001)
A survey was taken last year of 1,300 members of the Freedom From Religion Foundation. It discovered that the average freethinker is considerably more educated and intellectual than the typical American.
Ed. Comment - Without God a Scientist Fears For Future
Yes, Adam and Eve were Pretty Smart Editorial Comment by Warren Krug (March-April, 2002)
Scientists are uncovering evidence that Adam and Eve were rather intelligent, smarter than many have thought. Of course, mainstream scientists don't call them "Adam and Eve" but rather "ancient humans." Still, the idea that the first people were ignorant brutes is fast falling by the wayside.
One of the most widely-quoted proofs for evolution, which in reality was no proof at all, is now apparently in serious trouble. Scientists are quietly admitting that the famous pepper-moth experiments are "essentially useless."
Excerpt: "The coelacanth fish is just one of hundreds of examples of what are referred to as "living fossils." The so-called living fossils are not a problem for Bible-believing scientists, but they are a puzzle, a hard to explain enigma, for secular researchers who accept the theory of evolution, and who believe that the earth is millions and billions of years old."
A. Thoroughly and persistently distinguish between scientific 1 issues and theological 2 issues. B. Clearly distinguish between what the Bible says and, especially, what the Bible does not say. C. Clearly and fully understand the definitions of terms which are being used.
Views expressed in LSI Journal articles are those of the author or editor and not necessarily the view of LSI. Articles published in the LSI Journal have been committee reviewed for accuracy since 2010.