The Flood in the Light of the Bible, Geology, and archaeology by Dr. Alfred M. Rehwinkel 1968/1951 by CPH
How can we explain the coming together of all the animals and birds from all parts of the world at one time? How was it possible for eight people to feed and provide drink for all the different animals in the Ark for over a year? How was it possible for them to clean the Ark? Where did all the water come from? Is there actually enough water on our planet to cover the entire earth? What became of all the water when the Flood subsided? Did the Flood waters rise to an elevation to cover such lofty heights as Pike's Peak, Mount Everest, Mount McKinley?
Why Morality is Inexplicable in Naturalism; the Particular Case of Michael Ruse Review by Jeffrey Stueber (September/October, 2006)
Review of Michael Ruse's book, "Taking Darwin Seriously."
Evolutionists have, for some time, attempted to wrap morality around their Darwinian finger so they can provide a complete perspective on every facet of reality. But, as Michael Ruse shows, doing so is extremely doubtful.
Review - Zindler/Craig debate; Atheism vs. Christianity
Shaky Creationism: Questionable Arguments Sometimes Used by Creationists by Warren Krug (May-August, 2006)
Just as many evolutionist "evidences" and arguments (e.g. recapitulation theory, peppered moths, Piltdown man, Mars rock) have fallen by the wayside over the years, creationists too have had to withdraw some of their talking points.
Smart People Do Doubt Evolution by Jeffrey Stueber
Evolutionists proclaim only the ignorant have doubts about evolution. However, some very intelligent non-creationists like Richard Milton, David Stove, Norman Macbeth, David Berlinski, and Michael Denton have shown otherwise.
Nearly 1,000 WELS pastors, teachers, staff ministers, and lay Sunday School teachers completed a creation apologetics survey in fall 2015. The WELS consistently and correctly teaches the Biblical position of a recent creation and a world-wide flood. That said, we do hold various thoughts on how to approach the lie of evolution.
Principal Conclusions
1. Many or most WELS called workers see evolution as a significant issue for the church. 2. WELS called workers overwhelmingly agree that our schools should teach some of the scientific problems faced by evolution. 3. Many WELS called workers see a need for good creation apologetic materials. 4. There is a wide diversity of creation apologetic methods used by our WELS called workers. 5. Our WELS called workers are split on how to define “science.” One definition sees evolution as science. The other definition sees the exact opposite: evolution is not science. 6. Many WELS called workers have misconceptions about science and evolution. 7. WELS called workers are solidly young earth creationists (YEC). 8. WELS laity who teach Sunday School share these attributes. 9. Many WELS teachers view the effect of science on faith differently than many WELS pastors.
Survey Questions: This Lutheran Science Institute (LSI) survey was taken by 978 pastors, teachers, and laity between September 3 and November 28, 2015.
This Lutheran Science Institute (LSI) survey was taken by 978 pastors, teachers, and laity between September 3 and November 28, 2015. Below is a chronologically sorted list of the textual responses of all 773 respondents who wrote something (79% of the 978 total respondents). This is a complete set of unedited responses, except words identifying the respondent have been removed.
devotion on Psalm 147:4-5 He counts the number of the stars; He gives names to all of them. Our LORD is great, vast in power; His understanding is infinite.
Description Most people know something about carbon dating and some are aware of rock dating using other radiometric dating methods, but few in the general public have heard about any of the many other dating techniques. One very popular type is trapped charge dating. Just like radiometric dating, trapped charge dating is based on unprovable assumptions.
A Universe Built for Us - A Science Magazine's Surprising Admission by Warren Krug
A UNIVERSE BUILT FOR US. Printed in large bold letters, this was the title of a magazine article containing a surprising admission. This article didn't appear in a creationist or intelligent design magazine. Amazingly, it could be found instead in the December, 2008 pro-evolution Discover magazine beginning on page 52.
Views expressed in LSI Journal articles are those of the author or editor and not necessarily the view of LSI. Articles published in the LSI Journal have been committee reviewed for accuracy since 2010.