This article series discusses the use of reason in apologetics (i.e., defending the faith) when ministering to Christians and when witnessing to unbelievers, particularly regarding creation/evolution.
Part 1: Why Confront Evolution in Your Witness? Part 2: Handling Evolution in Your Witness. Part 3: Evolution/Creation - Two Starting Points. Part 4: Evolution is Incompatible with the Christian Faith.
This article series discusses the use of reason in apologetics (i.e., defending the faith) when ministering to Christians and when witnessing to unbelievers, particularly regarding creation/evolution.
Part 1: Why Confront Evolution in Your Witness? Part 2: Handling Evolution in Your Witness. Part 3: Evolution/Creation - Two Starting Points. Part 4: Evolution is Incompatible with the Christian Faith.
This article series discusses the use of reason in apologetics (i.e., defending the faith) when ministering to Christians and when witnessing to unbelievers, particularly regarding creation/evolution.
Part 1: Why Confront Evolution in Your Witness? Part 2: Handling Evolution in Your Witness. Part 3: Evolution/Creation - Two Starting Points. Part 4: Evolution is Incompatible with the Christian Faith.
This article series discusses the use of reason in apologetics (i.e., defending the faith) when ministering to Christians and when witnessing to unbelievers, particularly regarding creation/evolution.
Part 1: Why Confront Evolution in Your Witness? Part 2: Handling Evolution in Your Witness. Part 3: Evolution/Creation - Two Starting Points. Part 4: Evolution is Incompatible with the Christian Faith.
Witnessing In A World Where Evolution ...ALL parts
This article series discusses the use of reason in apologetics (i.e., defending the faith) when ministering to Christians and when witnessing to unbelievers, particularly regarding creation/evolution.
Part 1: Why Confront Evolution in Your Witness? Part 2: Handling Evolution in Your Witness. Part 3: Evolution/Creation - Two Starting Points. Part 4: Evolution is Incompatible with the Christian Faith.
editorial note: This now 15 year old article makes several claims that are no longer used by most creationists, including dust on the moon, and Paluxy River tracks. Science with its theories and laws is forever changing, so both evolutionists and creationists often abandon “evidences” that they previously found compelling. Creationists should always make a clear distinction between unchanging Biblical truth and changing scientific claims (see LSI Journal article “Essential Tools for the Creationist” 2010). Also see LSI Journal article, “Shaky Creationism: Questionable Arguments Sometimes Used by Creationists” 2006. Mark Bergemann – April, 2014
I claim that, using current evolutionists’ methodology, many of their claims cannot be validated as true or false. This is because they claim that specific evidence validates the truth of evolution, but when contrary data appears they claim that is evidence as well. Cornelius Hunter explains the problem well: "There is nothing wrong with a theory that is comfortable with different outcomes, but there is something wrong when one of those outcomes is then claimed as supporting evidence. If a theory can predict both A and not-A, then neither A nor not-A can be used as evidence for the theory." Evolution, as it is promoted today, does exactly this as I show below.
Why Evolution is First and Foremost a Religious Belief By Jeffrey Stueber published in parts in 2013 and 2014. Part 1: Humanism. Part 2: The New Age Movement. Part 3: Evolution and Politics.
Why Evolution is First and Foremost a Religious Belief By Jeffrey Stueber published in parts in 2013 and 2014. Part 1: Humanism. Part 2: The New Age Movement. Part 3: Evolution and Politics.
Why Evolution is First and Foremost a Religious Belief By Jeffrey Stueber published in parts in 2013 and 2014. Part 1: Humanism. Part 2: The New Age Movement. Part 3: Evolution and Politics.
Let’s compare evolution and creation, look at a few of the logical problems evolution faces, and learn why evolution is incompatible with the Christian faith. We will then consider the question, “Why do some believe in millions of years?”
Modified from a 2013 LSI video used for confirmation class, adult Bible studies, and in high schools. The video includes additional review and discussion questions.
A Universe Built for Us - A Science Magazine's Surprising Admission by Warren Krug
A UNIVERSE BUILT FOR US. Printed in large bold letters, this was the title of a magazine article containing a surprising admission. This article didn't appear in a creationist or intelligent design magazine. Amazingly, it could be found instead in the December, 2008 pro-evolution Discover magazine beginning on page 52.
Description Most people know something about carbon dating and some are aware of rock dating using other radiometric dating methods, but few in the general public have heard about any of the many other dating techniques. One very popular type is trapped charge dating. Just like radiometric dating, trapped charge dating is based on unprovable assumptions.
Views expressed in LSI Journal articles are those of the author or editor and not necessarily the view of LSI. Articles published in the LSI Journal have been committee reviewed for accuracy since 2010.