• Ten Videos
    Curriculum 4K-Adult
    4K to Grade 2
    Grade 3 - Adult
  • Dating Methods
    Ape to Man?
    Origin of Life
    Noah's Flood
  • Fossils and Rocks
    Natural Selection
    Creation Apologetics
    Theist Evolutionists
    Bill Nye Video
You Can Help
    Pray for God's Guidance of LSI
  • Thank you so much for your prayers.  
    God's direction is essential to everything we do.

    Some suggested prayer items:
    1.  Thank God for guiding LSI to this day and for our recent ministry growth.
    2.  Thank God for blessing LSI with leaders who not only study science, but more importantly study Scripture.
    3.  Request God’s direction as we evaluate current programs and plan new ones.
    4.  Pray for additional volunteers to carry out a growing list of ministry tasks.
    5.  Ask our Lord to bless LSI with more authors to write classroom apologetics units and LSI Journal articles.
    6.  Pray for those who are enticed by evolution’s claim that there is no god. 

    Ask your congregation to help
  • Ask your congregation to join the congregations supporting LSI financially. 

    -- Door offering: an opportunity for your worshippers to donate after worship.
    -- Have your school or church group designate LSI for their mission offering.
    -- Add LSI to your congregation's mission budget.
    Tell others about LSI and what LSI has to offer.
  • You can be a champion for LSI in your home congregation, school, family, and elsewhere.  Tell others about the LSI website, blog, Facebook page, and LSI Journal.  Talk about a recent LSI Journal article or blog.  Encourage others to join LSI.  
    Show Your Support by joining LSI
  • Associete Member (Subscriber)  —FREE     subscriber application
    Everyone is eligible to become an LSI subscriber.  Subscribers receive:
    - LSI Journal (link via email).
    - The LSI Bulletin with insider LSI news (link via email). 
    - Access to the subscriber only portion of this website.

    Voting Member  —Dues      member application (or renewal)
    LSI members show a much stronger level of support for this ministry.  They enjoy the same benefits as subscribers, plus the ability to vote in LSI elections.  Members of WELS, ELS, or other CELC congregations are eligible to become LSI members.  Members must accept the LSI Statement of Belief (Article II LSI Constitution).  Dues are $29 annually, or $59 for 3 years. 

    While LSI is a WELS organization, it receives no funding or support from the WELS.  Please consider supporting LSI in every way you are able.


    Make a donation
  • LSI is funded through generous gifts from people like you.

    Donate on-line now

    Or mail your check to:
    Lutheran Science Institute
    13390 W. Edgewood Avenue
    New Berlin WI 53151-8088

    The Lutheran Science Institute, inc. has tax-exempt status
    under section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code
    as a subordinate organization of the
    Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod (WELS). 

    Purchase paper copies of the color print LSI Journal
  • Each new issue of the LSI Journal (a color print copy) will be mailed to you.  Or order a set of several years of back issues.   

    Order here

    Sale Items Are Listed Here


    Order multiple copies of the LSI Journal (for church/school/group)
  • Anyone can have multiple copies of the color print LSI Journal mailed to a single address as each issue is published.  Past issues can also be purchased.

    Order here

    Gift Ideas are listed HERE


    Become an LSI Board member
  • Any voting member of a WELS, ELS, other  CELC congregtion can seek to be nominated for a position on the LSI Board of Directors.  Contact us for more details.

    Submit your name, or recommend some one else, by contacting LSI.

    Become an LSI Technical Advisor
  • Members of WELS, ELS, or other CELC congregations who have expertise in areas of science or theology are invited to apply to be an LSI Technical Advisor.  Contact LSI.

Dear Supporters,                               

     Thank you so much for participating in this apologetic ministry.  With your prayers and financial support, and by telling others about this ministry, you are producing and distributing Confessional Lutheran creation apologetic materials.  This is an exciting time of growth.  You are getting creation apologetic materials into the hands of more pastors, teachers, students, and laity than ever before.  

     Thank you for supporting this expanding apologetic ministry.  Your generosity makes it possible.  

Mark Bergemann
President, Lutheran Science Institute (LSI)