• Ten Videos
    Curriculum 4K-Adult
    4K to grade 2
    Dating Methods
  • Classroom
    Ape to Man?
    Origin of Life
    Noah's Flood
    Fossils and Rocks
  • Natural Selection
    Creation Apologetics
    Old Earth Creationism
    Bill Nye Video
Join LSI as a Voting Member (or renew membership)
Thank you so much for your dues and donations. While LSI is a WELS organization, it receives no funding or support from the WELS.
Complete this form and click submit to join the Lutheran Science Institute (LSI) as a voting member (or to renew membership). Starred fields (*) are required. LSI does not share personal information with any other organization.
LSI voting members MUST be a member of a WELS, ELS, or CELC Lutheran congregation.
* I have read and accept the LSI Statement Of Belief (Article II of the LSI constitution).*
 Yes, I accept the LSI Statement Of Belief
* Select 1 of the following (USA dollars)*
 1 year student (age 13-17; non-voting)  $5.00
 1 year student (adult full time student)  $17.00
 1 year adult $29.00
 3 year adult $59.00
 10 year adult $180.00
 Lifetime adult $475.00
You will receive an automatically generated email within a few hours, if you provided a valid email address.
* My email address (or type NONE). Make sure your email is correctly typed or we cannot email you anything. LSI does not share email addresses with any other organization.*
* My name*
* Mailing address*
* City*
* State or Province*
* Country*
* Zip code or postal code*
* Voice phone number*
* Church (include city, and state)*
* What is your highest college degree? (No degree is required for membership. We simply wish to know the mix of our membership.)*
 2 year degree
 bachelor's degree
 master's degree
* What is your college major? (or NONE)*
You must send payment to complete your membership application. You can pay with a credit card or PayPal using our LSI online donation page, or you can mail a check. Indicate your choice below:
* I will pay by:*
 Mailing a check to LSI 
 Credit card or PayPal - using LSI donation page
Any questions or comments?
